Charte de l'égalité
#pasdesexisme égalité Construisons ensemble une université plus égalitaire
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1-6 : encourager et faciliter des interventions de sensibilisation aux questions des discriminations et violences de genre dans les établissements scolaires environnants.
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5 commentaires
Les interventions, pourraient peut-être, être asssurées par des journalistes ou des enseignants comme cette année ou pourrions-nous voir plus large dans les profils des intervenants ?
Exploring the potential for interventions by journalists and teachers this year is a promising idea. Both professions bring unique perspectives and skill sets to the table. Journalists can offer insights based on their expertise in research, critical analysis, and communication, while teachers can provide a structured approach to learning and development. However, broadening the range of speakers beyond journalists and teachers could be beneficial as well. Including experts from diverse fields such as mental health professionals, community leaders, and technologists might provide a more holistic view and address a wider array of needs and perspectives.
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