L'université de l'avenir, l'avenir en commun(s)
#CCE2023 La convention citoyenne étudiante 2023
Création d'une page sur le concours de la fonction publique
- À quel.le.s constat(s), enjeu(x) ou problématique(s) répond cette proposition ? En quoi la proposition permettrait de répondre à cet enjeu ?
Il y a un manque d'information de la part de l'université sur les concours de fonction publique. Il faut communiquer davantage, augmenter la visibilité sur l'acces aux concours de la fonction publique. Une page sur le site de l'UPEC pourrait être créée avec les informations necessaires).
- Quelles sont les ressources existantes ou inexistantes mais nécessaires à la mise en oeuvre de la proposition ?
Site de l'upec
- Quels sont les acteurs importants et pourquoi ? (Collectivités territoirales, monde associatif, services de l'université, etc.)
- Conseiller d'orientation
- Département communication : intégrer des informations à jour sur les différents concours possible
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Observations and Issues:
Lack of Information Transparency: The current lack of easily accessible information on civil service competitions at the university level hinders student awareness and preparation.
Limited Student Guidance: Students may not be aware of the available resources and support systems to prepare for these competitive exams.
How the Proposal Helps:
Increased Visibility: A dedicated webpage on the UPEC website would centralize information on civil service competitions, making it easily accessible to all students.
Improved Communication: Proactive communication from the university, potentially through the guidance counselors and the communication department, would ensure students are informed about upcoming deadlines and application procedures.
UPEC Website: Essential for creating the dedicated webpage and disseminating information.
Guidance Counselors: Play a crucial role in providing personalized guidance and support to students.
Communication Department: Responsible for disseminating information effectively through various channels (e.g., university newsletters, social media, email alerts).
Important Players:
Guidance Counselors: Provide personalized support, offer study tips, and conduct workshops on exam preparation.
Communication Department: Ensure timely and effective dissemination of information to all students.
University Administration: Provide the necessary resources and support for the implementation of the proposal.
Overall: This proposal addresses a significant issue by improving information dissemination and student support regarding civil service competitions. By implementing these measures, the university can better equip its students with the knowledge and resources they need to succeed in their career aspirations.
I hope this comment is helpful!
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