9 Results for the search: "#CCE"
Participatory processes 2 results

🌿👩🏽💻 How to think the digital in the context of the environmental crisis?
Start date
24/03/2022 -
End date
Created at
24/03/2022 -

🌱 Let's respond to the environmental emergency with recommendations on the theme of food
Start date
23/09/2021 -
End date
Created at
28/07/2021 -
Proposals 2 results
Participatory process: Food, an issue of collective deliberation
This charter translates into a dialogue with CROUS, which it would eventually sign, and to set up...
Participatory process: Food, an issue of collective deliberation
Creating a cooperative garden at the university, in the halls of residence or in the cities of study
This would introduce students to the idea of food self-sufficiency, raise awareness about eating...
Participants 2 results
Created at
02/10/2024 -
Created at
02/10/2024 -
Comments 3 results
Post: La CCE à travers les yeux de deux étudiantes
The Student Citizen Convention (CCE) is a remarkable example of how collaborative projects can inspire civic engagement and real-world problem-solving. The ability of students to design and...
"La CCE à travers les yeux de deux étudiantes" partage une perspective unique sur la Conférence des Comités d'Échanges. Avec Insta Pro APK, immortalisez ces moments enrichissants grâce à des outils...
It's great to see such proactive collaboration between students and the Fontainebleau municipality! Engaging with local leaders to implement proposals from the CCE 2023 shows real dedication to...