Charte de l'égalité
#pasdesexisme égalité Construisons ensemble une université plus égalitaire
Langue des signes
Introduire le sujet de la langue des signes LSF dans la formation des étudiants et des enseignants lors d'un séminaire annuel
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Langue des Signes Française (LSF) into the training of students and teachers during an annual seminar is a commendable and forward-thinking initiative. Sign language plays a crucial role in enabling communication for the Deaf community while fostering inclusivity and understanding in society. By incorporating LSF training, we equip both educators and students with the tools to bridge communication gaps and create a more accessible and inclusive learning environment.
For students, learning LSF develops empathy, cultural awareness, and a deeper appreciation for diversity. For teachers, it provides practical skills to support Deaf students and ensure equitable access to education. Much like the metaphorical challenges in the process of integrating LSF into training might feel demanding at first. However, the perseverance and dedication invested will yield meaningful and lasting rewards.
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